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Not sure how to start your University Application ?

What you need to include 應包括哪些項目 

1. Work experience 工作見習 (2 星期以上)

2. Personal Statement 個人陳述

3. Aptitude Test 能力考試考試

We hope to explore the above details and guide you through

Our Aim 服務宗旨

We aim to provide all types of support for students who have passion to join the Medical Field and serve the community, but have no idea how and what they need to prepare for University Application.

We are able to guide you through the process of Medicine and Dentistry applications in both UCAS (UK) and Non- Jupas (HK).


Services include 服務範疇包括:

More than 100+ successful students

Don't hesitate to contact us for further consultation and advice

About Us

Our team consist of :

- local and foreign medical dental professionals

- current medical dental students 

- experienced education consultants

- 當地和海外在職的牙醫和ye專家

- 目前就讀牙醫專業的大學生

- 擁有豐富教育諮詢經驗的教育專家

Contact Us 聯絡我們


Whatsapp : 9702 2006

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